1.44 GUI Switches Many -> One: input pin values were not stored when receiving a value on the output Added Formula To Sample (DSP & GUI) Added GUI / File Operations / Overwrite Confirm (Feat. Req.) Added GUI / Automation / OK Cancel Dialog (Feat. Req.) Added GUI / File Operations / File Exists (Feat. Req.) Wav Loader GUI 4: added Max Bytes x Channel pin, rearranged pins (v3 moved to OBSOLETE/) (Feat. Req.) Level Bar 2: added Signed option (Feat. Req.) (Level Bar 1 moved to OBSOLETE/) Added DSP Timer 2 with reset pin (Feat. Req.) DSP Timer: output was not turned OFF when resetting following mode switch Shape Editor: fixed possible hiccups when sliding nodes freely (ITP = None) across adjacent nodes; the active node is always drawn on top (Feat. Req.) All GUI loaders and savers: an ambiguous case arises when using manual Trigger, which Filename pin to use ? At present, the Left pin was used (bad choice). Now the latest pin set is used, or the non-empty one in case the latter is set empty WavFile32 class (affects all WAV loaders): added workaround to support malformed WAVs saved by Izotope RX with an extra byte unnecessarily appended Sort (Audio, Float) - added a warning note in the help file about a SE bug, for which these modules won't work or even cause a crash in the exported plugin if wired up leaving unconnected spare inputs before any connected outputs All four libraries: since Windows does not allow to discover the version of a DLL if it is named .sem, special (dummy) _VERSION modules have now been added Internal: set language for all XML resources to NEUTRAL Restored convenient prefabs (request, at some point I decided to remove them) 1.43 Removed the old string-based shape system (YOU WERE WARNED !) Added DSP / Modifiers / Center Shift Added DSP / Math / Sort (Float & Audio) 1.42 Added GUI / Automation / Menu Selection To Trigger B Added GUI / Strings / String Append Added DSP / Protection / Date Check 1.41 Shape Editor: (feat. req.) when ITP = None, nodes can be moved freely past the adjacent ones Added DSP Blob To UU64, utility to allow a better method for specifying fixed default values to BLOB pins (new example project included) 1.40 All Loaders: new file locating logic - a file is first searched with its specified path; if it can't be found, it will be searched for in the plugin folder. This way, exporting files is much easier: you can always specify their original location in your SE project without having to remove the path on export, just add them in the Export / Copy Additional Files dialog Added DSP Frequency Converter (Float & Audio) Added DSP / Diagnostics / INF NAN Filter Detect Added DSP MIDI PC 2 Trigger (Bool and Volts) Added Resampling modules (Sampling / Modifiers) GUI Float, DSP Float, DSP Audio: added Tan modules (I forgot it !) Added List 2 Text (with bi-directional support, feat. req.) Added Peak Gain filters (Mono & Stereo, feat. req.) Biquad filters: cutoff freq was not clipped to Nyquist, fixed Added DSP & GUI dB/Float converters Added Shapes / Add Node (GUI) module (feat. req.) Added Shapes / Num Nodes (GUI) module Added Shapes / Num Nodes Changed (GUI) module Added Shapes / Sync Shapes modules Sample Level (DSP & GUI) v2 redo, old ones moved to _OBSOLETE/ Wav Loader DSP 3: crashed on startup because of a stupid typo, fixed Wav Loader GUI 3: only the first sample pin was sending data in case of more channels, fixed Wav Loader DSP & GUI 2 moved to _OBSOLETE/ New Shaped Editor 6: Shape Editor 5 moved to _OBSOLETE/; added Menu pins (feat. req.); when the first and last nodes are locked now they are also automatically hidden (feat. req) - sorry these additions required a module version update Random Volts: fixed crash because of a stupid typo in module ID MIDI PC 2 Trigger, GUI Audio Trigger, GUI Set 2 Trigger Volts: fixed status errors Sample Value DSP: rewritten, fixed missing update on sample reception Sample Value GUI: rewritten, might have updating issues Simple Snatcher: static output is now updated when switching sample (feat. req.) Shape Osc 2: oversampling pin is now exposed (feat. req.); clipping at 0 octaves no longer occurs (Hz are however always clipped from 0 to Nyquist / 2) Wav Saver DSP: you can now specify a sample rate value <=0 to use the working sample rate Shape Envelope: new Shape Envelope 4 (v3 moved to _OBSOLETE); added Signed option [reported clicks still not investigated, hopefully for next release] Function Plot: added more functions and constants 1.39 Added GUI Function Plot (for utility / development purposes only !) 1.38 MachineID: no longer uses a parameter; GUI pin did not output any string until DSP was started, changed/fixed GUI Sample Rate: did not work in the exported plugin, fixed; now uses a parameter for DSP->GUI communication (more robust) Environment: still had a weak point, fixed (hopefully forever) GUI Float Range Scaler: had updating issues and could not be fixed without rearranging pins, moved to _OBSOLETE/, replaced with V2 Waveshaper 2 (stereo & mono) crashed on Nan input, fixed. Joystick Image: added Ultra-Compact version New DSP / Diagnostics / Always Stream List To Int - REMOVED (was an old test module which simply could not work) GUI Ctrl Response Pow moved to _OBSOLETE/ (was a wrong choice, never use it !) 1.37 Mac porting Added DSP / Filters / De-Noiser Fractional Delay: rewritten, much more efficient; max allowed delay is now *8191* Shapes / GUI Shape Link (X and Y): fixed updating problem Level Bar: did not respond to input in SE 1.5, fixed Shape Editor: value of Active Node pin coming from a Patch Memory sometimes was ignored when opening Panel View; also, it wasn't possible to set it by hand in Panel View. Fixed. Splitters: rewritten in a more robust way 1.36 GUI Switches were severely defective and could not work properly (how is that nobody incl. me ever realized that ???) - rewritten from scratch Simple Snatcher - now using Spline interpolation for reading, zero is returned when reading outside boundaries 1.35 Added Shape Envelope 3, 100% redo of Shape Envelope 2 now with BOOL gate and much more efficient code; 100% compatible with Shape Envelope 2; Shape Envelope 2 was inefficient, moved to OBSOLETE/ Added Sampling / DSP / Simple Snatcher (a pun ? Maybe...) Added a new pair of better Haas panners, mono & stereo, rewritten from scratch (old Haas panner moved to OBSOLETE/) Added GUI / Protection / Environment module, to detect the running environment. The old Context module was moved to OBSOLETE/ (it was NOT robust, stop using it !) Added Math XFade modules (DSP Float, GUI Float and Audio) Added DSP Set 2 Trigger Bool DSP Timer: fixed bug which caused pulse trains to interrupt if modulating T1 or T2 with either being 0 samples long (clipping to 1 sample was skipped) Biquad filters: more speed optimizations WavFile32 class can now return the original bit depth, added V3 loaders with relevant pins (feature request) - V2 ones NOT moved to OBSOLETE/ yet Removed no longer existing references to the old Shape Loader and Shape Saver 1.34 Added DSP / Modifiers / Level Response (and relative project) Added GUI / Protection / Machine ID 1.33 Added DSP / Waveform / Random LFO Added DSP / Diagnostic / Oversampling Factor GUI DSP Bool Trigger, GUI Audio Trigger - pulse was always one sample block longer than the specified length, fixed Digital Waveguide 2: feedback value was not clamped, fixed; issuing a Clr command during decay stage did not allow the module to go idle, fixed (Internal): ffastpow(), fpow() could generate NANs or invalid values on very small bases, could affect several modules, fixed 1.32 Digital Waveguide 2: fixed powersaving bug (module not resuming) which could cause skipped notes Shape Editor 5: now a clipping line is drawn when Border Clip is enabled (feat. request) DSP Triggers had no help files associated, fixed All savers (GUI String, GUI Blob, GUI Shape, GUI Sample, DSP Sample) could not locate files inside the plugin folder using relative paths, fixed 1.31 Midi Curves: fixed bug which caused transmission of velocity = 0 resulting in no Note On from MIDI CV2 Shape Envelope: fixed envelope never updated if edited while still playing Pitch shifter: fixed pin updating bug; latency compensation is now optional (feat. request) All GUI modules reacting to mouse clicks also reacted erroneously to right mouse button, fixed Added new Digital Waveguide 2, highly improved (not compatible with the old Digital Waveguide) Added a set of GUI switches (many->one and one->many), with suitable updating options Added Noise Gen 2, with improved Pink Noise generator (halved CPU consumption & smooth spectrum); Noise Gen moved to _OBSOLETE/ Added stereo version of the Short Convolver Added GUI / SubControls / List Entry replacement Added Math / #? / Sign modules Added fixed values for all DSP control types and Volts (single outptus), to replace stock ones which sometimes can really be unhandy Added GUI/Automation/GUI Dsp Bool Trigger Added Shapes / Util / Default Shape Added more audio switches including stereo versions Added Math / GUI / Bool / Logic Gate Multi In Added GUI / Automation / Menu Selection To Trigger ED Image: now reacts to mouse down even on plain images (i.e without any mouse response set) Audio Switches: added Quick Fade option to avoid clicks when switching live signals Biquad filters: further slight speed optimization Block Sampler: added One-Shot option to grab a single block when triggered Patch Memory List NAC and Volatile: manual Item List pin did not work, fixed + added relevant explanation in the doc ED Image: when disabled and AlphaDis == 0 hover is now disabled and clicks can pass thru File Browser: dirs were not listed when specifying extensions, fixed; OBSOLETE modules won't be removed any longer, no panic, unless in serious cases and however not without asking/warning users in advance 1.30 Added DSP/ Filters / Biquad (Mono and Stereo versions - this was a very optimized multimode biquad filter with up to 16 stages I made for personal purposes, which standing to some turned out better than the available ones, so upon request I decided to make it public) Fixed some issues with onGraphStart() introduced by mistake in 1.29 (several modules involved) Mac Porting 1.29 Added GUI/Automation/ GUI Audio Trigger and GUI Set 2 Trigger (A & B versions) modules Added DSP/Triggers/ Set 2 Trigger modules More DSP bool-controlled switches added Shape Shifter 2: fixed updating bug Added Shapes / Modifiers / GUI ShapeFlip, ShapeFit and ShapeSnap Added GUI / Fixed Values / New set of more "normal" fixed values (sending fixed values to the left should not be done, some day they will go to _OBSOLETE) PitchShifter, MidiMono2CV, Float & Int MinMax, Context, ShapeEnvelope2: fixed output pins not sending the first update GUI Set 2 Trigger and Patch Change 2 Trigger modules moved to _OBSOLETE 1.28 Added DSP/Modifiers/ Chebyshev module Added DSP/MIDI/ MIDI Voice Splitter, MIDI Mono 2 CS, MIDI Curves, MIDI Monitor [NOTE: Only MIDI 1.0 is supported at present] Double Click Reset: added On Mouse Up option to allow working with Joysticks when Jump To Mouse is enabled Some minor category re-sorting & tidy up 1.27 Added DSP/Modifiers/ Microtuning module Mac Porting 1.26 Added GUI/Sub-Controls/Level Bar 1.25 Added Sampling/Util/Dual Blob Bridge 1.24 Changed versioning logic: no more Beta labels, no more minor revision labels (every build has to be considered a Beta as for the newest additions). Revision number will increment at every new build DSP & GUI Math Float: added Average module Added GUI/Conversion/HSV To RGB module GUI/ ARGB To String: disabled inverse conversion since it could lead to troubles and logical flaws 1.23.15 BETA Bridges were prone to several issues; in particular BLOB bridges could address invalid memory, removed (moved to _OSBOLETE), very sorry, please stop using them ! Added special robust BLOB DSP->GUI Bridge for samples > 5MB (Sampling/Util) Added DSP trigger modules DSP Math Float & Int: added Add Many modules DSP Math Float: added CAdd, CSub, CMul and CDiv (for Complex pairs - for personal needs) DSP Math Float, Int & Audio: added MinMax modules (old Analysis/MinMax moved to _OBSOLETE) Line2: fixed jump in Drag mode MAC PORTING POLICY CHANGED (FREE TO HATE ME, IT'S UP TO YOU) - PLEASE READ THE INCLUDED README FOR MORE INFORMATION 1.23.14 BETA GUI Wav Loader2 : one more fix, usage together with BLOB DSP/GUI Bridges could cause transmission of invalid sample data New File Requester 2: added missing left User OK pin for usage thru a Patch Memory Bool with DSP loaders, which was otherwise impossible; now using a delay of 100 mSec before setting these pins back to FALSE, otherwise the left strobe could not get thru any Patch Memory Blob or Bridge 1.23.13 BETA GUI Wav Loader2 : hopefully fixed a strange data corruption problem List Box: fixed stupid little bug for which in panel view, when no value was specified for Choice pin, list scrolling position was one and not zero File Browser 2: added option to hide directories (feature request) New GUI / Line2 module - replaces the very old Line module, accepts input and can be used as a moveable slider/marker either in click or drag mode Sample Display: added Ultra Compact version Included some convenient prefabs 1.23.12 BETA WavFile32 class (affects wav loaders): wav files containing JUNK chunks or however chunks in a fancy order were not loaded, fixed thanks to a more robust parser 1.23.11 BETA Internal - WavFile32 class (affects all Wav loaders/savers): partial rewrite made more efficient (partial API change); different and better buffer handling; when saving 24 bits wavs, float one became minus one, fixed; differently sized channels can now be set, the size of the last channel set will rule (larger existing channels will be trimmed, smaller ones will be zero-padded), for more versatility even in borderline situations; intermediate void channels (i.e skipped, not set) are allowed but won't be saved or or counted either; better and more efficient format conversions; fixed loading of 'smpl' chunks located after data chunk WAV GUI Saver 2: fixed crash in panel view; halved memory consumption WAV DSP Saver 2: fixed crash because of a forgotten old pin still in place List Box: the selected item choice is now automatically made visible; background can now be filled by rows of alternate colors; clicking in the empty scroll bar area now moves the scroller as expected; added highlight color for picked scrollbar; now supports displaying UTF16 strings; clicking on the right side was intercepted even when the scroll bar was not visible, fixed File Browser: added support for multiple extensions separated by commas; setting Extensions and Hide Extensions pins did not cause an update, fixed Added Sliding Max and Moving Avg modules Block Sampler: a safety size range of 64 to 262,144 samples is now imposed since somebody was abusing it despite the warnings Removed reminder popups from OBSOLETE modules since they caused a crash for somebody (???) 1.23.10 BETA Reminders about usage of obsolete modules now pop up just once. Very sorry for the hassle Added Blob Tool modules (DSP & GUI) 1.23.9 BETA NEW SHAPE SYSTEM - RADICAL REDESIGN ----------------------------------- The whole Shape system and all Shape-based modules have been re-engineered and re-written. All related parsing/manipulation/I-O/rendering functions are now handled in a centralized way by an internal ED library Shape class, for improved efficiency and code rationality. Switching now to a new and much more efficient BLOB-based shape binary format. The new system is still compatible with the original String-based shape format thru some provided String/Blob conversion modules, but usage of the latter for Shape transmission is now DISCOURAGED: despite the string parsing code has now been improved substantially, it can never be as efficient for realtime DSP as the new binary format, in particular when modulated/abused. All old "Legacy" shape-based modules have now been moved to _OBSOLETE/ and sided by their new counterparts based on the new system. NOTE: the NEW Shape modules are NOT compatible with the previous ones, having being redesigned, but you should be able to gradually replace the old ones in your projects with the new counterparts and some adapion NOTE: the OLD Shape modules have NOT been updated to make use of the new Shape system ! They are still the original ones using the old code, and were moved to OBSOLETE/. They won't be deleted for a long time to allow for a slow and painless transition, but THEY WON'T BE BUGFIXED OR UPDATED ANY LONGER AND THEIR USAGE IS FROM NOW ON DISCOURAGED !!! BUG REPORTS FOR THESE MODULES WON'T BE ACCEPTED ! NOTE: 'Shapers' module pack and relevant list folder renamed to 'Shapes' ('Shapers' didn't make much sense - this is however transparent, just please DELETE the old .sem !) GENERAL: -Interpolation: the new centralized system still supports four interpoloation types: None, Linear, Curve1 and Curve2, but new types can now be easily added if needed without causing compatibility issues, thanks to the new list numbering scheme. Users should now make NO ASSUMPTIONS on the Choice pin values, since the Item position is no longer meant to correspond to the Choice number, for future expandibility. Interpolation type is now meant to be transmitted automatically from the DSP list pin of the final utilizing DSP modules back to the Interpolation Type Patch Memory List connected to the Shape Editor, so the latter will be automatically configured to list only the Interpolation Types supported by the Shape utiliing modules and with the proper names. The old curve interpolation algorithms have been rewritten, being very inefficient and partially defective. In particular the former Lagrange method suffered some smoothness (derivative) issues. The new Curve 1 mode is 100% equivalent to the old "Spline" mode, it uses a cubic spline not allowed to fluctuate, at the expense of a less smooth curve when intervals are not uniform. The new Curve 2 mode still uses a cubic spline but always produces a very smooth curve even when nodes are very irregularly spaced apart, at the expense of wide fluctuations (excursions). Since mathematically no minimal curve exists which passes thru non-equally spaced nodes yet having constant smoothness AND without wide fluctuations, the user is free to choose the interpolation type which best fits his purposes and his particular node placement. Interpolation = None is no longer performed as a physical rendering, since its meaning cannot be standardized. A Shape-based module which only supports None (eg. which just needs a set of nodes, not a curve) will just use the node information contained in the Shape data, and its Interpolation Type DSP list pin will just allow for this selection (i.e "None"), so the Patch Memory List connected to the Shape Editor will be configured accordingly automatically for proper display. While an utilizing module which must really support both interpolation and no-interpolation (e.g in case it wants to simply render some sinc pulses or spikes for every node or a curve depending on the ITP mode set), shall implement its own ITP=None rendering on purpose. So, in short: ITP=None is now *application specific*. The Shape Editor will simply draw vertical lines from the baseline to the nodes when ITP=None is specified. -The Shape file format hasn't been changed, and will always remain the standard string-based ASCII. However since the interpolation mode mapping indexes have been changed, it is advisable not to load .shp files saved with the previous I/O modules with the newer modules, and vice versa. SHAPE MODULES: -Shape Editor 5: 100% rewritten from scratch with much more efficient and rational code, based on the new Shape system. Some minor cosmetical fixes and pin rearranging. Added options to specify the number of grid divisions and to specify the color of the center vertical line independently from the baseline. Added lock to the first and last node. Also available in ultra-compact version. -ShapeOsc2: re-engineered from scratch (was inefficient, buggy and consumed a LOT of CPU); extremely more efficient for shape modulation and abusing; shape modulation no longer produces clicks or other artifacts; now uses cheap boxed oversampling (up to 32x); added built-in DC filter; pins revised more rationally -New more rational and (hopefully) fool-proof DSP and GUI shape modifiers modules -New regular shape generator -New fool-proof shape node selector module -Shape morphing: new much better and lightweight algorithm provided directly by the Shape class (the previous one was a real CPU hog); Shape Morpher2 has now a variable number of inputs, for morphing between more than just two shapes -New Shape Loader/Saver: removed the Auto-Trigger pins (caused confusion); proper extension was never specified, now it is .shp -New Waveshaper2 rewritten, now supplied in both Mono and Stereo versions. Input voltage range can now be specified -Some new Shape modules added, some new counterparts slightly modified/improved, some never used ones left to obsolescence and not updated -All relevant Inline Docs rewritten & improved OTHER CHANGES TO ED PACK ------------------------ Switching to a likely more correct version numbering and distribution format. Previous way caused some issues to Mac users 1.23 BETA 8 was incautiously optimized for x86-64 psABI level V3, to exploit fused multiply-add instructions for increased performance, trusting that nowadays most modern CPUs were V3 compliant. Sadly this turned out not the case, and some users (of Celerons and other low-end and/or old CPUs) reported a crash on rescan. This optimization has therefore been disabled by now. Added new (non-spectral) Pitch Shifter module :) (still considered "experimental") SAMPLING/ Added Anim Pos ->Sample Pos modules, for easy adjusting of integer sample positions (start, end, loop, etc) with a normalized control without using the Sample Display or the Markers Sampling modules: reduced some memory wastage despite not optimally yet (not entirely my fault though) All I/O modules (Sample, String, Shape, Blob loaders/savers both DSP and GUI) moved to OBSOLETE/ and replaced by the version '2' because I had to change the triggering logic/pins slightly (sorry, this hassle has NEVER been my fault, just blame the choice of preventing pin updates when setting with an identical value). Some savers now allow auto triggering when either the file name is set or when the relevant content is received Wav I/O: added support for UTF16 filenames; fixed potential loading issue giving wrong file size Wav Saver GUI: fixed possible serious bug potentially causing crashes and memory wastage GUI Randomizers: different module instances were still prone to generate identical numbers, fixed random seeding devising another new method DSP/ Latency: added option to report the latency introduced DSP/ Report Latency: moved to Delay/, added option to specify Latency in mS Added GUI/File Operations/ generic BLOB loader/saver Added new MIDI switches (DSP/Switches/MIDI) Added DSP/Modifiers/SignSplit (splits audio signal in positive and negative parts) Added DSP/Conversion/List To Int (stock one was removed ?) Added Math/ Logic operator (GUI & DSP, integer only) GUI/Math/ Float Rng Scal: added a further Range Update option to really cover all possible scenarios DSP/ Derivator & Integrator: rewritten Morph2D: stopped working at some point, fixed but moved to OBSOLETE/ since it was prone to control issues (not my fault), can be easily and more conveniently replaced by concatenating several Morph1D modules Morph1D: rewritten, much lower CPU load Internal: fixed ed::fm::fexp2(-inf) not giving exactly zero Support for 32 bits officially discontinued (I could never test them and however I doubt any people were still using them) 1.23 BETA 8 New standard Math Modules (DSP Float, DSP Int, DSP Bool, DSP Audio, GUI Float, GUI Int, GUI Bool) always missing in standard SE distributions GUI Triggers 2 have now a Trig on Release option GUI Triggers (1) moved to _OBSOLETE/ WAV loaders: now support Extensible WAVs, added support for 32 bits PCM and 64 bits FLOAT Shape Editor: curve is now set to the specified baseline if no reset string is specified DC Blocker: moved to _OBSOLETE/, it really does the same job as the stock 1-pole HPF set to 0 DSP/Logics modules moved to Math/Bool Some math modules like the new dB/V converters could be very slow because using standard C lib functions by mistake due to a typo in code, AARGH ! Fixed. Some modules here and there moved/re-sorted for consistency BetterJoystickImage, BetterListBox renamed to ED_JoystickImage, ED_ListBox, the old named ones moved to _OBSOLETE/ Sorry, I had to put some warning requesters to discourage the users of Obsolete modules, reminding than they will be removed in the next stable release. I had to, since too many people are ignoring my announcements. Please replace them now before it is too late ! Fixed example projects where needed [STILL TO DO: Noise Gen: code was old and VERY inefficient causing insane CPU load, to be rewritten; adding options for polyphonic behaviour] [STILL TO DO: Shape system and all modules relying on it: using centralized and improved managing class in ed::shapes] 1.23 BETA 7 Random DSP modules: fixed random seed Added Volts/dB audio & float converters File Browser: fixed crash when navigating to system folders BetterListBox: AutoHideScrollBar had not immediate effect when set, fixed; MC Wav Loader DSP & GUI: added Replicate Mono option Global: based on new ED FastMath32 library; rebuilt with latest SE SDK (experimental) rebuilt with -march-x86-64-v3 flag (experimental) 1.23 BETA 6 [UNOFFICIAL PARTIAL BETA7 UPDATE] 1.23 BETA 5 ED Text Entry: fixed mouse down still not working properly 1.23 BETA 4 Added DSP/Random/ RandomVolts GUI / ED Text Entry: mouse down not transmitted when Disabled, added relevant option 1.23 BETA 3 Added DSP/Random/ RandomInt and RandomFloat GUI/ RandomInt: added No Repeat option GUI/ RandomInt & Float: better seeding, Min and Max were not swapped if Max < Min, some minor fixes, fixed docs 1.23 BETA 2 ED_Image: added disabled state / disabled opacity Added ED_TextEntry module (replaces Better Text Entry, moved to _OBSOLETE), with Enable pin (for symmetry with ED_Image) and Writeable pin removed (redundant); No gadget update when setting Style pin, fixed Added DSP/Util/AudioSwitch Added DSP/Util/Context module Added DSP/Logic/ Bool Inverter and Logic Gate, for DSP bools [internal: switching to GCC 12.1] 1.23 BETA 1 Added GUI/Automation/Ctrl Response Pow module Added DSP/Conversion/Text To Blob (please read the doc and see the example project) Added GUI/Automation/Step Increment Int and Step Increment Float modules, respective example project added Added Sampling/DSP/Block Sampler GUI Timer: added Key Repeat function DSP Timer: OFF Pulse generated a pulse on startup even if Trigger was never pressed and released, Fixed. Wrong timing bug, fixed; Setting any T1 or T2 to zero could produce wrong results, fixed; added Units option to use mSec of Samples 1.22 FINAL GUI/Timer: fixed possible feedback preventing timer to stop in some rare situations DSP/Latency: rewritten better, now supports up to 8191 delay samples (will cause no disruption) All OBSOLETE/ modules removed (you were warned !) 1.22 BETA 9 DSP/MinMax: rewritten (was oldish) and added Reset pin Added PatchChangeToTrigger (sorry Lee for the duplicate but I needed one in ED) Shape Envelope: with gate on at startup, the module remained blocked. Fixed. 1.22 BETA 7 R2 Fixed example projects (I forgot sorry) Fixed error at rescan because of a typo (sorry) 1.22 BETA 7 Patch Memories NAC (int & float): fixed jitter Added GUI/Automation/Int Increment DSP/Range Clipper: added Mirroring mode GUI/Converters/Note to Pitch renamed/relabeled as Pitch to Note (sorry) New Check Valves with Direction setting, old ones moved to _OBSOLETE GUI/DSP Bridges: added "DSP In" option Added GUI/DSP Bridges #?2 with GUI pin on the left Added GUI/Converters/MIDI to Note 1.22 BETA 6 Sample Display: any active selection is disabled when switching Auto Zoom on Sample Modifier: fixed unexpected feedback implications on the range start/end pins when using more Modifiers at the same time (e.g for stereo or multi-channel editing) adding Auto Update Rng pin (unexposed, please see the inline doc!); range End can now be set to -1 to specify sample end (I forgot this, sorry) Digital Waveguide example project crashed because the Patch Automator was put outside the main container by mistake. Fixed & improved Added DSP/ Center Clipper module Added GUI/ Non-Autoconfiguring patch memories (normal and Volatile versions) (Please see the inline doc !) All .sem renamed from Elena#? to ED_#? 1.22 BETA 5 Sample Display: selection was not disabled after auto zoom, fixed Sample Level (GUI & DSP): added Range option Added GUI/Bridges modules SAMPLING/GUI/BLOB GUI<>DSP Bridge moved to GUI/Bridges 1.22 BETA4 OFF Delay: fixed crash because of an extra SPC in the internal ID introduced in BETA3 Note To Pitch: removed MIDI pin - sorry but it caused conflicts Added GUI/ MIDI To Pitch and Pitch To MIDI as separate modules Added GUI/ Toggle Switch module Added Float Increment module Added Haas Panner module Added GUI/ Sample Rate module Added GUI/ Comparison modules Added DSP/ Block Size module Added GUI/ Image module (improved stock Image2 with more features) Added Timer modules (GUI & DSP) Added DSP/ Counter module GUI Splitters: added (unexposed) Direction and Propag Ins options, to minimize the risk of conflicting situations. Please read the inline doc Mouse Box: now all deltamove pins send strobe signal (leading zero), see the inline doc Hover Box: added option to normalize coordinates and Width/Height outputs Better Joystick Image: fixed disappearing image bug when either box dimension matches image dimension; image could be drawn beyond the gadget box if larger, fixed; changed dragging behaviour when the image reaches the gadget boundaries; added option to disable immediate direction change (feat. req); added option to disable subpixel precision (feat req.); added second Mouse Down pin (feat req); added Compact version Vec Jog Shuttle Image: now deltamove pin sends strobe signal (leading zero); added Unlimited option Jog Shuttle Image: now deltamove pin sends strobe signal (leading zero); added Unlimited option; added Center and ShowCenter pins; added Min Alpha pin; non-rotational anim strips are now rejected; code revision and pins rearranging, some unnecessary/old pin removed - may cause some disruption sorry Shape Editor: nodes could still be moved even with Editable disabled, fixed. With Editable disabled, one had to still enable Lock Add Rem Nodes to allow mouse input to pass to background modules, fixed; added Range Clip option; added standard Hint pin Sampling/Wav I/O: added multi-channel savers; multi-channel loaders and savers now adopted as standard (stereo ones moved to OBSOLETE/); loaders: unused output blob lines were not cleared on loading, fixed; internal wav loader did not return error on some unsupported (yet) wav formats thus providing invalid data, fixed; added support (loading) for 32 bits signed PCM; less memory wasted BLOB DSP/GUI Bridge, MC GUI Wav Loader, Audio Recorder: should now waste less memory (experimental) Waveform Display: now moved to OBSOLETE/, replaced by Sample Display, improved and with new features Added Sample Modifier module (Sample Cutter moved to OBSOLETE/) Audio Counter: could still count to one if Max was seto to zero, fixed; now supports negative Max values for backwards counting; control values can now safely be changed at run time with consistent behaviour; improved CPU efficiency DC Blocker: rewritten better Morph 1D & 2D: some parts rewritten DSP Modules: finally sorted in categories GUI Modules: all unsorted yet modules moved to Automation category All relevant example projects updated accordingly 1.22 BETA3 WARNING: All ED modules have now the internal ID prefixed by "ED_". You shall replace (more->replace) all missing modules. Sorry for the hassle but this job had eventually to be done Shape Envelope: behaviour was still not opimal. Fixed (may cause slight disruption, sorry). PLEASE CONSULT THE INLINE DOC. Removed Always-Complete-Attack pin, it was redundant (same effect as having no Sustain node i.e "one-shot" envelope). Added Overall Level pin. Fixed clicks and noises when editing the curve while playing. Added Sample Level module (GUI & DSP) (feature request) Wav loaders: added support for multi channel wav (feature request) Sample savers: added support for 16 and 24 bits (feature request) Added Patch Memory Increment module Waveform Display: added Auto Reset Pos pin (feature request) Mouse Box rewritten, Relativity pin now unexposed, Mouse Down pin moved to the left (may cause some disruption, very sorry). Plotter: improved efficiency, removed unnecessary gamma correction; fixed swapped color (MAC) Oscilloscope1: rendering disabled by mistake in a previous beta, fixed; improved efficiency removing unnecessary gamma correction Radio Buttons: rewritten & fixed potential access to non-existing pin Shapers: all modules sorted in categories 1.22 BETA 2 Added BetterTextEntry module Waveform Display: fixed possible hang/crash and display not updated when passing an empty blob Sampling modules: using new class for wav I/O, more efficient and compact - the previous one was not written by me and was full of flaws; dropped AIFF support (was never really used anyway); savers: if two blobs are present but they differ in size (abnormal condition) nothing will be saved Everything recompiled with updated SE SKD 1.22 BETA 1 GUI and Sampling modules: logically arranged in cathegories once for all Sampling: added ResetMarkers modules Sampling: added Empty Blob module Example sampler project updated/fixed/improved Sample loaders: fixed potential crash condition on Mac [MAC MODULES WILL BE UPDATED TO 1.22 IN 1.22 FINAL] New example project included (mouse box) Missing help file for GUI/DoubleClickReset, fixed 1.21 R3 Just missing code signature in MAC modules, updated/fixed mac installation instructions again, sorry 1.21 R2 Just fixed messed up folders in Mac porting, updated installation instructions 1.21 [FINAL] Mac porting included 1.21 BETA 16 Random Float, Random Int: fixed random seed (many modules could generate identical sequences) ShapeEditor: now editing overlaid Shape Editors is possible if the foremost one has LockAdd/RemNodes set 1.21 BETA 15 Added GUI/Vector Jog Shuttle module SampleOsc2: behaviour slightly changed (upon request), now playing always moves from Start position to Loop End position instead of Loop Start position, to prevent backwards playing if the Start position is set within the loop. Should not cause any disruption. 1.21 BETA 14 Shape Editor: now clicking in empty areas does not activate box dragging anymore, which was very frustrating Added Sampling/ShapeToSample module Added GUI/Note2Pitch module Oscilloscope1: fixed swapped color channels on MAC [MAC version not included yet] GUI/Splitters/: fixed serious communication bug Shape Editor 4: performed a reset even if the Reset pin was set to false. Fixed. DC Blocker: fixed K pin metadata (range 0-1) 1.21 BETA 13 Removed all deprecated modules (you were warned) Waveform Marker: Label Left pin renamed to End Marker and behaviour improved (this should not cause any disruption though); marker line at the very end was not drawn or was drawn faint, fixed; marker position could be set beyond Total-1, fixed; All sampling modules: (internal) added blob consistency check Sample Osc 2: no check was done against missing/invalid sample; fixed Added GUI/Triggers2 modules, with value outputs on the right side too Added GUI/HoverBox module Added GUI/Converters/ modules 1.21 BETA 12 Shape Editor 4: -Last rightmost segment of the curve was not drawn, fixed -Border size can now be specified -Node size now limited to 20 pixels to avoid abuses Shape Env: -sometimes it didn't trigger or started at a low level -could cause clicks because of wrong handling of polyphony Rewritten from scratch (was all buggy) and improved File Browser: fixed possible mess/crash with filenames containing commas File Browser: currently seelcted file was no longer highlit when re-visiting its folder. Fixed Added DSP/ReportLatency module Added DSP/Crusher module Added GUI/Random modules 1.21 BETA 11 Short Convolver: fixed powersaving bug 1.21 BETA 10 Waveform Marker: fixed residual rendering error 1.21 BETA 9 Audio Player: -pitch was not computed until set (did not play). Fixed. -Added Pause pin -Added Position output pin -Fixed bug causing a mess when the gate turns off after playback in reverse mode stops naturally -Fade feature removed - was an unnecessary complication which can be replaced more conveniently by an external ADSR Waveform Marker: didn't quite draw a plain line with void label, fixed Shape Amplifier: a negative value as well as >1 or <-1 can now be specified Zero Crossing Detector: fixed some serious bugs with power saving OFF Delay: was buggy, rewritten Splitter Text: fixed fatal bug Splitters: fixed feedback issue when setting the out pin DoubleClickReset: reacted to two consecutive mouse down events without a mouse up in between. Fixed (still unclear how it could receive two identical events since SE always seemed to filter those) Shape Editor 4: added Compact version Waveform Display: made a Compact and a regular version Waveform Marker: made a Compact and a regular version 1.21 BETA 8 File Browser: forgot to set pin Choice to -1 when setting a new Path, which prevented a file with the same choice ID as the previous one being selected. Fixed. 1.21 BETA 7 ScrollBar: added increment/decrement delay Audio Player: -rewritten from scratch (was old and buggy) -added Original Rate pin 1.21 BETA 6 Recompiled with GCC 10.2 (WinLibs MinGW) x86 modules back in place (but I remind you: NOT TESTED !!!) (Sampling) Added experimental Blob DSP/GUI Bridge module (Sampling) AudioRecorder no longer uses a parameter to communicate with the GUI end (Sampling) Wavetable Osc: fixed bug causing erratic pitch when changing start/end points 1.21 BETA 5 Recompiled with MSYS2 - TDM GCC 9.2 code crashed on Win > 7 - Still investigating 1.21 BETA2,3,4 [Testing various optimization and CPU options] 1.21 BETA1 [NOTE: MAC and x86 modules NOT included, they will be included past the BETA stage] Internal: (Windows) Migration to CodeBlocks/TDM GCC 9.2, everything recompiled with GCC 9.2 Microsoft Visual C Redistributable no longer needed by my modules (but may still be needed by other third party modules other than by SynthEdit itself !) File Browser: fixed crash situation when browsing the parent of a non-existing path File Browser: added Hide Extensions pin Added Sample value DSP & GUI modules Sample Saver GUI & DSP: had several bugs, fixed ED Plotter got named 'ED lotter' by mistake, fixed 1.20.1 Fixed Shape Envelope not working (MAC) 1.20 (Final) Sample Loader: sorry, DSP BLOB out pins removed (was a wrong decision) Added DSP sample loader and saver Updated Mac modules Dirac OSC help file had never been updated, updated now 1.20 BETA 6 Added Sample Cutter module Added Audio Counter module Added Zero Crossing Detector module Short Convolver: -Fixed stupid bug causing potential crashes when input turns static -Improved convolution code (now 3x/4x faster), IR size increased to 1024 samples Sample Loader: added DSP BLOB pins (feature request) 1.20 BETA 5 File Browser: when going to the parent dir the previously highlit position was still highlit. Fixed. 1.20 BETA 4 File Browser: still forgot the selected file between sessions and the current dir in the exported plugin. Hopefully fixed now. Better Listbox: changed click behaviour - item is now selected when pressing, no longer when releasing the mouse button Example Sampling project: fixed patch mem range for end marker causing issues in the exported plugin 1.20 BETA 3 File Browser: the last file selected is now remembered; if a file path is passed, the file will be selected and sent to the Full FileName Out pin Shape Osc: fixed anti-aliasing bug causing clicks, fixed double buffering Added DSP/Short Convolver Added Sampling/Wavetable Osc Audio Recorder: had several bugs and was now outdated -> rewritten 1.20 BETA 2 Shape Osc: finally added anti aliasing filter Added GUI/Splitters Better Listbox: added Mouse Down pin (request) Shape Saver: added Auto Trigger and left File Name pins (request) Added GUI/File Operations String Loader and Saver FileBrowser: now reminds the current navigation position between sessions (request) FileBrowser: added support for file extensions (request) Sampling Modules Test project: Start marker moved automatically to zero and End marker moved automatically to the end after recording or loading a new sample 1.20 BETA1 [MAC version still 1.14 - 1.20 will be added once past the BETA stage] Added GUI/Split File Name module Added GUI/Append File Name module Added GUI/File Browser module Added GUI/Better List Box module GUI modules for file operations now moved to File Operations/ sub-cathegory Added GUI/Scroll Bar module Added new improved Sample Osc 2 (Sample Osc had bugs -> moved to DEPRECATED) Added SAMPLING/Waveform Display module Added SAMPLING/Waveform Marker module Added DSP/Range Clipper module Added GUI/Trigger modules GUI/Line: now input is passed to background modules if the line is not hit Better Joystick Image: clicking in non-active areas did not pass the click event to modules placed in background. Fixed Shape String Modifier (GUI) - moved all value pins to the right side. Sorry, update your old projects. Wav Sample Loader and Shape Loader could not reliably locate an object without path in plugin dir. Fixed. Wav SampleLoader and Saver: Sample Rate pins changed to Float type for compatilibity with SynthEdit Shape Loader: added Auto Trigger and left Filename pins Shape Editor4: the fill gradient was not perfectly vertical at the very right. Fixed. More example projects included 1.14 GUI/Radio buttons: class initialized was called twice (possibly harmless but fixed) Added GUI/Fixed Value String Added GUI/ARGB To String module Added some new demo projects 1.13R2 Mac modules finally included, thanks to Michaël Dubois Example sampler project revised, now does not require any 3rd party modules other than Elena's 1.13 Polar Picker now uses a radial gradient (Panel View only) Fixed Digital Waveguide bug causing instability Added Averaging module Better Joystick Image: fixed conflict causing Patch Mem values to be lost when a constrain is specified Freezer: rewritten (was partially faulty) 1.12 Added Morph2D module and respective example project Added Response pin to Morph1D module Added Polar Picker Image module 1.11 Added Morph1D module 1.10 Digital waveguide: fixed all pass filter issue hopefully once for all, which could cause tuning issues and instability Fractional delay: fixed alignment and precision errors Dirac Osc: -Now can generate a mathematically perfect BLIT when AA is enabled -Sometimes two subsequent pulses were generated at beginning. Fixed -[Const level = spectrum] was broken. Fixed. 1.9 ShapeStringModifierGUI: rewritten, now finally works in both directions and interactively with the shape editor Shaper modules: general code cleanup and improvements Added ImageMenuToChoice GUI module 1.8 Added Oscilloscope2 module Added Radio Buttons module Plotter: fixed colors issue with gamma correction Tuned Delay Line (now deprecated) evolves again to Digital Waveguide: -added Remove Residual option -builtin DC filter -various bugfixes 1.7 Added Oscilloscope module Added Double Click Reset gui module All modules now using the newest SDK API + general code cleanup 1.6.2 Glider/Glider2: removed max time limit of 10 seconds upon request 1.6.1 Plotter: fixed access violation crash 1.6 Added Plotter module Tuned Delay Line, Comb Filter and Fractional Delay modules: fixed rounding error with tap position MAC modules removed by now (they weren't up to date since a long time now). I hope I will re-introduce MAC support in some months once all my modules pack reach a stable situation 1.5.1 Comb Filter: Added all-pass fractional delay (I forgot to do that) Added Fractional Delay module 1.5 Added Tuned Delay Line module (successor of Special Delay 2) with important improvements (Special Delay 2 now deprecated) Added Comb Filter module Added Dirac Osc Inline help 1.4.12 DSP/Latency module: waas partially broken because of a powersaving bug, fixed Shape Editor 3: reverted behaviour (sorry) - I decided that no clipping shall occur in the editor or shape osc either (if you want clipping, use an external clipper) 1.4.11 Added Shape Shifter module DSP/Latency: fixed power saving issue, latency range increased to 5000 samples Shape Editor 3: clipped portions of curve resulting from curve interpolation types will now be displayed as a straight line at bottom or top 1.4.10 DSP/ Added MemoryReset 2 module DSP/ Added Special Delay 2 with Clear Buffer pin GUI/ Added Line module SHAPERS/ Added Shape Node Modulator module Shape Editor 2 : fixed mouse down pin not working properly SHAPERS/ Added Shape Editor 3 , Shape Editor 2 now deprecated (various code improvements; active node pin now is exposed and no longer linked to a param, you're advised to use an external patch memory int from now on if needed; added CTRL key support for fine movement; added Y limit pins; Baseline can now be specified as for position and color and can be drawn; when double-clicking on nodes and Add/Remove nodes is disabled, they will now be snapped to the specified baseline value) SHAPERS/ Added Shape Amplifier module (Mac modules still stuck to 1.4.7, sorry) 1.4.9 Fixed (hopefully ?) format for Mac modules (still stuck to 1.4.7, sorry) Added Shape Loader and Shape Saver modules (Mac version not compiled yet, sorry) Shape String Modifier modules not compiled by mistake since some releases - fixed Shape Editor 2: added MouseDown pin and builtin reset function Added GUI/ GUI Set 2 Trigger module Added GUI/ File Requester module (improvement over stock File Dialog, with output trigger) 1.4.8 Added Shape Envelope module (Mac version not compiled yet, sorry) 1.4.7 Shape Editor 2: fixed timer bug (variable not initialized, strange things could happen) Shape Morpher: fixed bug introduced some releases ago (the module simply had stopped working !!!) Shape Morpher: fixed another bug causing no string being generated in some situations General: added MAC versions of all modules (thanks to Rob Herder for his nice job and patience) 1.4.6 Shaper modules (all): fixed serious interpolation bug causing wrong ending levels; increased LUT size from 1024 to 4096; Shaper modules (all): added a fourth interpolation mode "NONE" to generate pulse trains (no interpolation, just zero between nodes); ShapeStringModifier, ShapeMorpher: fixed crash when passing invalid string; Added Shapers/ShapeStringModifierGui module; New Shape Editor2: Please use Shape Editor 2 from now on, Shape Editor is now deprecated; decreased min distance between nodes to 0.01 string units; added Interpolation Item List pin (I always forgot it); fixed crash (stack guard hit) occurring in certain situations; New Sampling/Audio Recorder: replaces Recorder (now moved to deprecated, please stop using it); revised code, power management is now ok (was unfinished); added recording mode selector (manual/auto), now can start/stop recording automatically on input streaming status; Wav sample loader: sample was not loaded when opening a project/vst even if a filename was specified and AutoTrigger was set - fixed (the problem still affects Structure View only but I can't do anything, it's not my fault) 1.4.5 Internal/unofficial partial 1.4.6 update 1.4.4 Wav sample loader & saver: forgot to add the filerequester button, fixed Added Shapers/ShapeStringModifier module 1.4.3 Better Joystick Image: major rewriting and code cleanup; now should work equally well in Structure View; added custom background gradient colors; amount of movement scaling by CTRL key can now be specified 1.4.2 Shape editor: the active node was set to zero using the old interface (Structure View), fixed (partially, sometimes it can still happen, this is a bug with SE, not with my shape editor) 1.4.1 Shape editor: fixed a bug with the Edit pins; introduced a workaround to prevent unwanted feedback on gui lines caused by SE (a bug ?) calling onSet#? functions even when a gui pin is set internally; clicking outside nodes now de-activates the active node; Wav sample loader: loop pins won't be set at all if no loop points are present (they were set to -1) 1.4 Added Latency module Added Shape Morpher module Improved Shape editor - now renamed to Shape Editor; Waveshape Editor moved to DEPRECATED/ Sample loader and saver: added .wav support for loop points - old loader and saver moved to DEPRECATED/ Added JogShuttle GUI module General cleanup and cathegory re-sorting 1.3.2 Sampling modules second bugfix 1.3.1 Sampling modules first bugfix 1.3.0 Added sampling modules Added shape pulser 1.2.1 Added curve interpolation support to waveshaper modules 1.2.0 Added waveshapers modules [1.0 - 1.2.0: not recorded]